
I am a final year PhD student in the Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory(CPSLab), department of Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines.
I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Dong Chen.

My research is at the intersection of Machine Learning, Image Processing, and Experimental Computer Systems. Specifically, my recent research integrates deep learning and image processing approaches to build computer systems to make Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) more energy efficient, especially in smart homes, buildings, grids and cities.


Aug.2023. I was invited to Energy Data Analytics Symposium at Duke!
July. 2023. I helped organize 2023 IoT security high school summer camp!
April.2023. I was selected as 2023 CPS Rising Star by the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA)!
Feb.2023. Our paper SolarDetector paper got accepted to ACM/IEEE IoTDI’23, part of CPS-IoT week 2023.
Jan.2023. I presented research posters at C-MAPP (Computing-Mines Affiliates Partnership Program) annual activity.
Aug.2022 Our paper TrafficSpy paper accepted at CNS’22.